Shoulder Replacement Frequently Asked Questions


What is shoulder replacement?

Shoulder replacement, also called arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure performed on the shoulder in which damaged or diseased joints are removed and replaced by artificial implants. The artificial joint, also called a prosthesis, is designed to move like a regular, healthy joint and is meant to relieve shoulder pain so it can function normally again.

How “bad” does my shoulder pain have to get before considering joint replacement?

Undergoing surgery is a very personal decision that only you can make. Consult with an orthopedic shoulder doctor so they can evaluate your pain and its effect on your daily life, and tell you your options.

Why do some people need joint replacement?

If more conservative treatments like anti-inflammatory medicine and physical therapy can no longer cut it, finding a specialist for joint replacement in Fort Myers may be recommended. Joint replacement will not only relieve the pain, but can also prevent you from developing a further disability. Experiencing persistent joint pain everyday without relief can lead to “staying off” the joint – which will often weaken the joint’s surrounding muscles and make it difficult for it to move. Talking to your orthopaedic surgeon can help you determine if a joint replacement may or may not be right for you, and learn about the benefits a surgery can provide.

What happens during shoulder replacement surgery?

During shoulder replacement surgery, parts of your shoulder are removed and replaced with an artificial joint. This artificial joint, also called a prosthesis, can have either two or three parts depending on the operation that will be performed.

  • A humeral component (made of metal) will be implanted in your upper arm, or the humerus.

  • A humeral head component (made of metal) will replace the humeral head located on top of the humerus.

  • A glenoid component (made of plastic) will replace the surface of the shoulder socket, or the glenoid.

If I decide to have joint replacement, what will I need to do before the surgery?

Before the surgery, you’ll need routine blood tests, urinalysis and a physical examination. If you’re over 50 (or if your doctor thinks it necessary), you may also need an electrocardiogram (EKG) and chest X-ray to determine if you can undergo surgery as well. Fortunately, your doctor or the hospital where the surgery will be performed may also perform these preoperative tests and evaluations. You may also need to donate blood before the operation, or have a designated donor (usually a relative) donate blood to you. Your doctor or orthopedic specialist will let you know what exams you’ll need and when you should have them in preparation for the operation. You may need to stop taking certain medications pre-OP as well, usually blood thinners like aspirin, and be recommended to take iron supplements. Finally, you may be advised to not to eat or drink anything after midnight on the day the surgery takes place. Your doctor will go over any questions or concerns you may have, and explain why certain aspects must be done.

What will I need to know about postoperative recovery in the hospital?

Post-OP joint replacement surgery hospital stays vary on insurance coverage and individual medical status. Typically, a hospital stay will be around four days, including the day of the surgery. The operation usually takes around two to three hours, and you’ll also spend that same amount of time in the recovery room.

You may begin physical and occupational therapy the day after your surgery, consisting of several brief therapy sessions a day. A case manager will be assigned to you to watch over your rehabilitation exercises. After the aforementioned time period, you’ll be ready for discharge, and they will decide whether you are able to start recovering at home or if you should be moved to a rehabilitation facility for specialized help. If you need to go to a rehabilitation facility, they will work on exercises with you so that you can move safely and independently, which will hopefully take another three to five days.*

* Individual results vary.

What can I expect in the first days after I’m discharged?

Don’t be surprised if you feel a little shaky and unstable when you’re first discharged. But sticking to a routine will help you exercise your newly replaced joint and gain confidence – this time, with less pain! You may need to take some painkillers while you heal, as is common with every type of surgery. Keep in touch with your doctor, orthopedic surgeon, and case manager so you can ask questions, discuss any concerns as well as report how your joint is recovering.

When will I be able to go back to a normal daily routine?

Be sure to communicate with your doctor to determine if you’ll be fit enough to participate in everyday activities like driving a car. These are some general guidelines your doctor may give you:

  • Don’t be afraid to leave your home, as long as your safety and comfort are guaranteed.

  • Balance yourself! Exercising will get you back in shape, but also be sure to have proper rest and relaxation time to help your body heal and regain your strength.  

Going back to work, participating in sports and driving a car are important parts of daily life, but don’t feel pressured to return right away if you’re not ready. Consult your doctor or orthopedic surgeon if you need advice.

Are there activities I cannot do after shoulder replacement surgery?

After fully recovering from joint replacement surgery, most people with prosthetic shoulders are able to return to work and resume their daily routines without any problems! However, keep in mind that over-exerting your shoulder and jumping into certain activities may wear and tear your artificial joint and affect its life cycle and performance. Your physical activities should not cause pain, both during the activity and after. You also should not push your shoulder past its boundaries or perform any activities that cause an extreme range of motion. If you’re thinking about doing any of the following activities, discuss them with your doctor:

  • Anything involving lifting or pushing a heavy object

  • Any activity that puts excessive stress on the shoulder joint

  • Hammering or other forceful arm and shoulder movements

  • Boxing, punching or any other type of arm/shoulder movement or shoulder impact sport


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